Lower School (Temporary Address)

131 Mount Pleasant Avenue, Roxbury, MA 02119

Friday Finales Begin Again at 320 Washington!

Being a student at our school means being part of a close-knit, loving, music-infused community. At the Primary School, we have been finding ways to foster that feeling of community with our youngest students as they establish relationships with new peers and adults in the school. One way we do this is with one of our most beloved school traditions, Friday Finales!DSC_9039
Friday Finales happen every first Friday of the month at 320, and everyone is invited to join in! Every Finale opens with the adults introducing themselves to the students, and a conversation about how our community has worked together as a crew in the past week or month. Then, everyone sings songs and plays music together! Last year, parents, students from the Upper School, and administrative employees all came to Friday Finales, and they all participated and had fun. We’re so excited to resume this wonderful tradition this year, and we invite everyone in our community to come join in!DSC_9052