The sixth graders are wrapping up their unit on scientific inquiry by designing and conducting their own experiment! After reading an article about a chemical called Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO), they created an experiment to answer the question, “Is DHMO a toxic substance?”. Dihydrogen Monoxide is a colorless, odorless chemical compound. They built their background knowledge by reading articles about the potential dangers of DHMO, formed a hypothesis, wrote clear lab procedures, and learned about lab safety protocols. After pouring DHMO into pots of seeds (as well as creating a control group), they are now monitoring the height of the plants to see if the DHMO hindered their growth. The sixth grade scientists are off to a great start to the school year, and we are looking forward to doing more experiments!
Lower School (Temporary Address)
131 Mount Pleasant Avenue, Roxbury, MA 02119