Lower School (Temporary Address)

131 Mount Pleasant Avenue, Roxbury, MA 02119

1st Graders Meet Mayor Walsh!

On Wednesday our 1st graders welcomed Mayor Marty Walsh to Joyce Playground with songs and smiles. The Mayor came to the playground as part of his series of coffee hours held throughout the city during the month of May to give local residents an opportunity to share their ideas and concerns for the city. 966214_10152146666388907_8360048338495850329_o

Mayor Walsh was joined by elected officials City Councilor Mark Ciommo, Representative Kevin Honan and leaders from both the police department and Parks department. The first graders, led by Resident Artist David Cordes, sang several songs as the crowd gathered and then sang Lean on Me for the Mayor. He was so impressed, he asked for another song and the students were happy to oblige with Peace Like A River. They helped the Mayor cut the ribbon welcoming residents to the new tot lot. We are proud of how our first graders represent our school and our community!